Thursday, July 26, 2012

One big blessing

This morning got of to a rough start. Mark had an oncology consultation at 8:45 and I had made up my mind that I was going with him. This meant that, besides a few minutes of dozing in the car seat, Abby got no nap all morning. By the end of the very long appointment my long suffering seven month old was stressed out and over tired. When we finally got home I tried to lay her down but she was way past the point of going down without a fight. I spent the next forty-five minutes trying everything I could think of to help her fall asleep but nothing worked. I finally resigned myself to sitting in the rocking chair and holding her while she cried (or screamed bloody murder) herself to sleep. She is generally a really good baby so this was totally out of character for her and it put me in a funk for the rest of the day. At that point I had a raging head ache and rather than spend the day being a good house wife I spent the next couple of hours in bed napping and catching up on some of my favorite bloggers as well as some celebrity gossip. This meant that when my husband got home from work the house was a mess and there was no dinner ready. Here is the blessing, he didn't care at all! In fact he was super sweet and understanding. He played with Abby while I got some of the nastiness in our house cleaned up and then he took us out for pizza! Over dinner he fed Abby plates of pasta, smiled at me like a boy in love and basically made me feel better about being a lazy, exhausted wife. Thank you so much baby!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Today is super hot but the sun is making everything look beautiful.

My best friend called me and we move in a week!

Today I am blessed to have...

1. A way too long phone call with my best friend.
2. Such a good nights sleep,
3. A refrigerator full of fresh produce.
4. A beautiful baby with an amazing appetite.
5. Sunshine!!
6. Sweet phone calls from my husband.
7. New jeans from Alloy (They have amazing prices and the best jeans I have ever put on my body)
8. Clean sheets.
9. A beautiful new house that we get the keys to in one week.
10. Prosperity and health.